Termini e condizioni di utilizzo del sito Web
The company Corfu Secret SA, Hotels and Tourist enterprises (64, Alexandras Av., 11473 Athens, Greece), that for reasons of brevity from now will be called "the Company", it maintains all the rights and the obligations that derive from the Law on the present website of the hotel "Corfu Secret", that for reasons of brevity will from now on be called "Website". With every access and use of present Website, you agree and accept the following terms and conditions:
The Website contains material that includes text, pictures, photographs, logos etc, as well as the copyrights, trademarks and all rights of intellectual property in such materials as well as those which are occasionally added and that material is property of the "Company". It is EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED to copy, reproduce, whether for commercial use or not, or use any part or the complete Website without the prior written approval of the "Company".
The Website contains hyperlinks which lead the user to other websites which are collaborators of the "Company" or informative and beneficial material such as the weather forecast, maps etc. The company provides these hyperlinks for you only for your facilitation and in no case is the "Company" responsible for the actions of these independent web pages. That these hyperlinks exist in our Website, in no case means that we check or accept or have the responsibility for their content, the publicity, the products, the services, the policy or any material that is presented in these Webpages. Of course, before including them in its Website, the "Company" checked them and found them to be absolutely safe for children and for their services, but this does not mean that we check said websites at regular intervals. In any case the user enters them at their own responsibility.
The Website and its content provided thereon is provided on an "AS IS" basis, without representations or warranties of any kind and only for the aim for which it was made.
Limitation of Liability
For each action or result, which is connected with the use of the Website, but also from cause of present Terms and Conditions, the "Company" but also the collaborators, representatives and their representatives as well as the personnel that have any connection to this, do not have any RESPONSIBILITY for any damage, direct or indirect compensation that will arise from the damage, including loss of income, even if you have been advised of the possibility of such damages.
With your entry into the Website, you agree explicitly to use it under the terms and conditions. Otherwise to compensate the Company, its affiliates, the directors as well as the representatives and its collaborators by any requirement or claim, including judicial and lawyer's fees, which it or any third party by any chance incurs, arising from the Website use, the infringement by you of the present terms and conditions or violation by you of any Law or the Rights of a third party.
Governing Law
Explicitly you agree that for any difference or conflict that will result because of the Website use or from the Terms, Conditions and Agreements that are included in the Website , shall be handled individually without any class action and will be governed by Greek Law and the Courts responsible for their resolution will be those of Athens.
Modifications of Terms and Agreements
The Internet worldwide continuously changes. New opportunities but also new dangers are always present because of its use. Thus Terms, Conditions and Agreements that are contained in the present Website, may at any time be amended, modified or supplemented. With your entry onto that Website, directly or indirectly (you were led here via hyperlinks from other web pages) you agree explicitly that you were informed and accepted changes, additional terms and modifications that have taken place by any means . The company will try hard to provide the best possible security on the Website.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. The staff and our legal department will be happy to help you. You can contact us:
- via e.mail: info@corfusecret.gr
- call us: (+30)2103243879 – (+30)26610 97921
- or post: CORFU SECRET SA
2, Orestou str., Athens 163 44, Greece